Swap Skills …some great recession websites

‘…this is one of the best Irish novels this year…The trip to Greece is steeped in olives and jasmine, cicadas and sunshine…readers will love the local gigolo, Dimitri. Grace writes with great humour…On a more serious note, her portrayal of friendship, commitment and the complexity of relationships is very real and most enjoyable.’ Ready Or Not? EVENING HERALD

Sharing resources and swapping are growing trends.

For example if you log onto www.swapaskill.com you’ll find lots of folk who want to swap “favours” with each other in “the spirit of community giving and sharing”.

Here is a sample of some of some other sites to surf:

www.freecycle.org describes itself as “an entirely nonprofit movement of people who are giving (and getting) stuff for free in their own towns and thus keeping good stuff out of landfills”.

www.liftshare.com Need a lift somewhere or want to offer one? Then log onto this free website.

www.bookcrossing.com ‘Release’ tagged books in public places for others to pick up and then chart their progress and the lives they touch. BookCrossing wants to turn the world “into a library”.

www.dublinwaste.ie Pass on or pick up unwanted items for free.

www.swapz.co.uk A website where you can swap anything with anyone.

www.readitswapit.co.uk Surf and swap books.

www.bikebudi.com Helps you to find cycling buddies.

www.letslink.org Find out about Local Exchange Trading Systems or Schemes (L.E.T.S.) which are ‘local community-based mutual aid networks in which people exchange all kinds of goods and services with one another, without the need for money’.

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