
I went for a lovely wee swim in the sea yesterday. The water was very cold and very refreshing. The venue was Seapoint in County Dublin. The local coastline was crammed with sunbathers and lots of others were frolicking in the ocean. Seems like quite a few people decided to head for the beach for the cooling sea breeze because of our Irish heatwave. This country looks so different in Med type sunshine…when I looked out of the DART train on the way to Monkstown (Seapoint in nearby) it sometimes felt as though I was in Spain!

On the train I had a nice chat with a woman who had got on at Killiney (it has a lovely beach). From the glowy look of her and the slight shimmer of recently applied suntan lotion I assumed she had been beachside. Another giveaway was the way she occasionally brushed at her clothes…that sand does tend to spread! She was wearing a short and very summery dress…not the kind she often wears she admitted…and yes, she had been swimming in Killiney. She said this with a great big smile. I was wearing very summery clothes myself, including the Roberto Cavalli peach pink and white dappled runners I bought in a charity shop quite a while ago…a bargain! They are very comfy for walking and sort of went with my cream coloured skirt and long loose coral coloured blouse. It was so nice not to wear a jumper!

There was lot of camaraderie by the beach at Seapoint. It was almost like being at an impromptu beach party. I chatted a bit myself but it was also fun to eavesdrop. A rather elderly man with a limp and a stick announced that he was going to swim too and we watched rather worriedly as he progressed gingerly towards the sea… someone even helped him part of the way. Perhaps we would have to rush to assist him? So how surprised we were to see him floating about happily. He swam around for far longer than many others.

I sunbathed for a while…it would be really nice to get a tan on the backs of my legs! And I also read a book I borrowed from the library. It is called ‘Bruce Springsteen And The Promise Of Rock ‘N’ Roll’…it was on a shelf and I just picked it up. I know some people who adore Bruce. He certainly writes and sings some great songs.

My house is getting pretty warm…it is another lovely sunny day and I feel the need to stroll along the beach…those salty sea breezes are so nice! ‘scuse any typos. Must check the blog for them later!

Warm wishes and sparkles,


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