New Year Greetings

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year 2013 by George Hodan

Happy New Year Sweeties! And many thanks to dear pal Philip Casey for giving my website a new template thingy. He’s a real whizz on the computer stuff.

Weather is somewhat murky in County Wicklow today, but we’ve had some lovely sunny days recently…love that brightness and when it’s mild it also saves on the central heating. Went into the local Lidl the other day and bought some bargains, including a bunch of hyacinth flowers. Like the wildly varying products Lidl sells. For example on latest visit they were selling protective legware for horses being transported in horse-boxes.

Got two children’s books out of the library today….’The Incredible Book Eating Boy’ and ‘How To Catch A Star’ …both by Oliver Jeffers. Fabulous. Read them with a pal this afternoon while having a cappuccino in a convivial cafe.

January affects different people in different ways so here are some nice uplifting quotes:

‘I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being.’ Hafiz Of Persia

‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.’ Rumi

‘You can’t stop the waves but you can learn to surf.’ Jon Kabat-Zinn

‘To be young, really young, takes a very long time.’ Picasso

Lots of love and sparkles,


I’ve never read any of Grace’s books before.. now i have a list.. i need to read them all.. Really loved it. quite a few laugh out loud moments too.’ Tracey re. ‘Wise Follies’ Amazon review

‘I enjoyed this as it was a nice story. Just the thing when you need a feel good factor which we all need sometimes.’ Re. ‘Ordinary Miracles’ Amazon review

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