New Year Greetings

The sky is blue at the moment but it’s definitely weather for a thick winter coat and one of my many colourful scarves. Glad to see that there still seem to be plenty of worms in my garden compost despite soakings from the recent rain.

Saw the animated film ‘Up’ during the hols. Fab! Moving and beautiful and wonderfully quirky. Enjoyed ‘Sherlock’ last night on the telly. Another stellar performance from the fascinating Benedict Cumberbatch.

Got rid of some clutter in recent days and gifted it to a charity shop….questions such as ‘do I really like wearing that jumper?’ can be quite therapeutic. Rather glad that Christmas is over but very grateful for bunch of not too expensive crackers I purchased in a newsagents…most of the local supermarkets had sold out of them. Gifts in crackers included earphones and a small and swanky reading light! So thrilled with those crackers! The jokes in them were satisfyingly awful too.

Bought some Linda McCartney vegetarian sausages recently as an experiment and glad to report that they were yummy.

SO grateful to readers who have put nice reviews of my ebooks on Amazon and Goodreads…thank you Sweeties!

‘Let yourself be silently drawn by the stronger pull of what you really love.’ Rumi

That’s a nice quote isn’t it!

Happy New Year and loads of light and good wishes,

Grace x

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